20 September      George G.

Deciphering Important Web Hosting Terms

At some point, when you want to get your website running, you’ll have started to look up all the steps that go into it. While design and content are relatively easy to understand; it’s web hosting platforms where people often tend to stumble.

With tons of technical specifications thrown at you and words that mean nothing to you everywhere on web hosting sites; it’s hard to figure out which kind of hosting would work for you.

That’s why we’re here to take you on a small educational journey, so that you’re better equipped for making the right web hosting decision.


DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service, which is a kind of cyber-attack. DDoS works by disrupting the normal traffic of a server or network by launching an overwhelming amount of internet traffic. This compromises the targeted system, including its protection measures.
By using seemingly legitimate devices that have been infected with malware and bots, the attacker makes it difficult for the server to fend off or sieve through malicious requests. So, if a web hosting service advertises DDoS specific protection, that means its servers are equipped to identify and deal with a DDoS attack.


SSD is a newer type of storage called Solid State Drive and while Hard Disk Drives (HDD) have been the standard option for years, things are changing. Unlike HDDs, SSDs don’t have any moving parts, which means less chance of overheating and less noisiness. Additionally, SSDs read at 500 MB per second as opposed to a maximum of about 125 MB per second for HDDs.
This means that SSDs are a considerable upgrade from HDDs. Web hosting providers that use SSD web hosting are a step ahead in the technological game than those still using HDDs.


Virtual private servers, or VPS hosting is a form of hosting that emerges from standard shared hosting options. VPS hosting works by allocating the resources on one server onto a designated private server. Think of it like making a small section for your use only, on a larger space.
This means that unlike traditional shared hosting, you don’t have to deal with a drop in resources because of another website’s usage.

SSL Certificates

While this isn’t exactly a hosting term, SSL certificate provider usually come under web hosting service providers. SSL certificates encrypt your websites connection to the client and provide authenticity to the site.
Most web browsers will refuse to connect to websites with inauthentic or nonexistent SSL protocols.

Now that you’ve figured out how to decipher web hosting service information and specifications, go forth and make your decision. We, at JOIVHost are committed to ensuring you have the full information you need before you sign up for our dedicated servers hosting or VPS SSD hosting.

If you’re still unsure of what to do, reach out to us and we can advise you on the best way forward for your site.